Thursday, December 19, 2013


If life is just a breath of air
And nothing can’t take us anywhere,
If we are but a speck in the sand
In the world which’s ensconced within his Hand,
If Solomon’s thoughts of meaninglessness are true,
What does this mean for me and for you?

It means make your one breath a breath of fire!
That ignites a torch so that all may see
We are not alone on this beach
There are thousands next to you and me.

So love that speck-with-one-breath you find
Yourself next to cause they’ll be gone
So very soon.
High tide is coming with the moon.

Love your fellow specks of sand
Made in the image of our rock and our salvation.
We, though very small, are all part of this scene
Our Rock choose to break himself for us 
So that all of us together could remain forever His queen.

So here we lie, surrounded by our fellow one breathed, tiny, Rocklike, specks of sand. All of us in our own unique way resembling the Rock, our Father. But we lie here afraid of the inevitable tides that sweep all away. We sit here among each other afraid to be lonely. We think that just because we’re slightly misshapen with a bulge here or a crack there, that we’re less. That our part does not matter.

How silly it all is in the big scheme,
The sunrise scene.
We are the sand that gives footing to the sea! We help reflect the Son.
He is beautiful. We are beautiful. And He rises to warm us! Everyone!

So I’m going to use my life, the brief breath of air that I am,

To realize I’m part of the plan and to say thank you! to the I AM.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Floating on.

Scholastically, this semester was a failure.


I researched what I wanted to know about: philosophy, the stock market, 3D printing, mechanics, magnetism, social morality, social justice, theology, music Theory, wrote my own piano song.

I followed my own intellectual curiosities.
I read some works of American philosopher William James.
I read some of the Scottish philosopher David Hume.
I read some of Bertrand Russell.
I read Machiavelli.
Robert Solomon.
Thomas Aquinas.
Immanuel Kant.

I opened an account with Charles Schwab. I researched investing in the stock market. How 3D printing is going to change the world. I tried to find an American company involved in Graphene to invest in. I read about FOREX and wanted to get involved with that. I read about Bitcoin.

I tried to learn Music Theory. I wrote my own songs on the Piano. I wanted to transpose it onto sheet music.

I followed my intellectual curiosities. And i'm being reprimanded for it because the cost was a semester of school. I'm going to fail a few classes this semester, most likely. But does the end justify the means? What have I learned at the cost of a semester of school?

I've learned there are people who have changed the world by thinking about the world. These philosophers I've read about sought wisdom and understanding with a fervor and used what they learned about the past to discover the cause of the present, to steer today's direction of the present and effect the future. That is what I want. I want to understand why. Because there is a troubled world out there. I want to help it. And if a person 3,000 years ago could do it, so can I. I've learned that I have an earth sized curiosity but a volleyball sized head. Others would say I have a pea sized ability to focus. But so does a dog that you're trying to dress in a tutu.

This semester my eyes have been opened. I see in the big picture now. In the big picture, figuring out what I want in life at the cost of a semester of school is justified. It's unfortunate that my family's hard work and hard-earned money has paid a semesters tuition. I am sorry about that. But I know what I want to do now:

I want to simplify. Less school. Less hours. More study. Less frustration. More fulfillment. Laser beam. Not flashlight.

Exact steps towards my goal: Philosopher/theologian.